eBook Prospectus 2023/2024

Borders College no longer produce printed copies of our prospectus and all of the information required, to apply for a Borders College Course, can be found on this website in the Courses area.

To view the eBook version click on the image below or to download a pdf version click on the ?? down arrow below.

Our online eProspectus has some built-in interactive features. For example, throughout the eProspectus is a number of videos which help tell the full story of the opportunities available from Borders College. We have created linked content and index page numbering which allow users to click a page number and then be taken directly to the appropriate section.

In line with many other Scottish colleges we are not producing a printed prospectus but instead giving users instant online access to the information needed when making a choice about coming to Borders College. This will help eliminate waste, but also allow us to update information when required.

  • Courses starting from August 2023
    As always, full-time applications open from 1st December 2022, and we encourage applications early to ensure that prospective students are able to obtain their first-choice course preference.

#ChooseCollege #GloballyEngaged #RegionallyFocused